He was mad when they made him pay his bar tab, as he was giving the bar "exposure". When I got the magazine when it was published, we all laughed at the BS that was spewed in the article.

Rip tried to really act like a 1%'er, but you could tell he was 100% corporate. uas described some of his first visual encounters with Western alternative culture and social recognition in the film Easy Rider: Well I first saw the. The new publication will be sold at boutique venues. The new Easyriders will be coffee table book. Never thought I would see the day For me it feels like saying goodbye to an old friend. Denim entrepreneur Pepper Foster is now in the magazine business after acquiring the iconic Easyriders title. Yes, the company and the name has been sold. Easyriders Magazine Gets a New Owner and a Whole New Outlook. But, that was the ONLY time that shit happened. There it states that part of Easyriders’ new direction of the company and the magazine includes: The new magazine will be a quarterly coffee table-style book. Blog EASYRIDERS MAGAZINE HISTORY Sayng Goodbye To An Old Friend By the Stealth, NC Share this story: Tweet I guess everyone has heard by now there is no longer an Easyriders magazine as we know it. When the article was published, it made it seem as that kind of stuff happened there all the time. The Drifters was usually quiet during the day, and it was a real shitty dive, and when he showed up, the bartender called some people and before you know it, he's taking pics of topless skanks, and some guy pulls his bike in the bar and does a burnout, and everyone trying to look cool and hardcore in the pics. He showed up one day at the Drifters Bar, located in El Paso, Tx where I lived at the time. Easyriders had a contributor to the magazine named Rip, and his article was called Rip's Run, where Rip would travel all around the USA going to biker bars and taking some pics.